Accelerate transactions
with Payment Links

Meet the fastest way to get paid with no code or website needed for secure transactions.

No-Code Solution

Set up and start collecting payments in just a few clicks without coding or website integrations.

Real-Time Updates

Receive instant notifications whenever a customer completes payment.


Our in-built fraud monitoring system allows you to sell with confidence globally.


Customise the payment page and link to match your brands’ colours and logos.

Accept payments from any platform
Expand your payment acceptance from any platform such as

Social Media Posts

Make social media selling more effective with payment links built for conversions.

Messaging Apps

Drop a payment link into your customer chats to lead them to checkout.


Embed payment links into your invoices to allow seamless payments.


Integrate payment links to your newsletters to facilitate payments.


Focus on building viewership while customers make purchases through payment links.

QR Code

Convert payment links into QR codes to allow contactless payments.

Payment Features
Built for Growth

Smart Merchant Dashboard

Gain valuable insights into your payment ecosystem with our comprehensive dashboard. Access detailed reports and statistics on transactions to stay ahead of the competition.

More on Analytics & Reporting →

Robust Security Protocols

Rest assured that your data is in safe hands. As a PCI DSS Level 1 compliant business, we utilise 3D Secure protocols and tokenise payments to protect your peace of mind.

More on Fraud & Risk Management →

Accept payments in
just 3 simple steps

Generate a link

Enter the amount and expiry for a direct link to purchase.

Send the link

Paste the URL within invoices, social media copy or chats for an immediate checkout experience.

Collect payment

Accept a wide range of payment methods and receive a notification for your reference.

Let Customers Pay Through
Multiple Payment Methods

Increase sales and convert customers with multiple local and international payment modes

Start accepting payments from wherever you are!